Pack For Road Trip
Holiday Tips

Essentials To Pack For A Road Trip

A road trip is meant to be a fun time away, but if the wrong things are packed or important things are left at home, it can be a disaster. Besides the normal toiletries and articles of clothing, there are a few musts that everyone should take along on a road trip. Here are a few examples of items that a person should not leave home without.

Paper Supplies. Paper plates, cups, plastic utensils, and baggies are a must for any road trip. A person never knows where they will need to eat while on the highway. There is often opportunities to pull over to picnic areas and enjoy an open dining experience versus fast food. Plastic bags will also work well to store extra snacks, wet items, or anything that is loose. For people who get car sick, plastic bags will come in very handy.

First Aid. It makes complete sense that a person would like to stay safe while on the road, but very few people remember to pack a first aid kit. Besides the normal Band-Aids and ointment creams, it may be smart to include bug spray, duct tape, scissors, pliers, and a poncho in times of unexpected rain.

Car Equipment. It is always smart to pack a battery jumper, jack, tire iron, and spare tire. No one knows when a flat tire will occur. It will also come in handy if the battery dies in a secluded area. This will assure safety, especially if it occurs at night or in a strange location. In cases of an accident, it is also essential to have important phone numbers like insurance agency and tow company.

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Entertainment. Whether traveling alone or with children, it is wise to pack something that will help to pass the time. A good book or ereader device will provide something to read. Children’s travel games will also keep the children busy and not constantly asking how much longer until the destination is reached. Certain vehicles come equipped with a DVD player, but if not, it would be smart to buy a portable device so that the children can watch some favorite movies. This will keep them quiet and erode a few hours of time off of the adventure.

Good Music. Depending on the destination and the roads that will be traveled, it may be wise to pre-record a CD filled with favorite music. Radio and satellite signals may not be accessible in certain locations, so having a CD handy will make the trip go faster. Fun travel songs can be included or other catchy tunes that everyone likes to sing along with.

These are just a few things that a person should bring with them while taking a road trip. It is important to make memories that will be happily remembered instead of looked back on as drudgery. By taking the right supplies in the car, everyone will have fun and be able to enjoy the pleasant company all along the way.

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